Riley Jerow, Author at GoShip: Online Shipping Platform | Page 34 of 35

Winter Tips for packing a shipping container

Winter is upon us. Have you prepared for the cold season? With the unpredictable weather patterns from Mother Nature, you never know when or where a storm will take place. Winter is one of the most challenging seasons when traveling, just think about winter shipping! For the freight industry, it’s not any easier… With unsavory road conditions, freezing temperatures, and other hazards in the mix, you never know what delays can be lying ahead. However, if you plan ahead of schedule, you have a better chance o

How to Choose the Perfect LTL Shipping Provider

The search for a new LTL provider can often be a daunting task leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Whether you’re making the change from bad past experience, or it’s your first time, it can be a challenge. Just like any service, none are created equal and each company has its own strengths and weaknesses. Many companies offer similar services with similar pricing, but the price should not be the only deciding factor. Finding the right LTL provider can mean the difference between deliveries showing up on time a

Benefits of LTL for Small Business Shipping

As a small business owner, you’re already accustomed to working with fewer resources than your larger competitors. Yet when it comes to shipping large items, the problem is that you have too much — too much empty space in a trailer, that is. Small businesses that have to ship larger items often find themselves in a bind because the items are too large to use a parcel shipper such as UPS or FedEx. That’s why it’s beneficial to use LTL for small business shipping needs. In many cases, small businesses find th

Shipping Mistakes: How to Avoid Common Freight Shipping Errors

Mistakes happen, and they can potentially cost companies thousands of dollars. When it comes to freight shipping, time is money. Even the most experienced shippers make common freight shipping mistakes during their everyday planning.

To avoid these freight shipping mistakes, we laid out 4 major strategies for you and your small business to follow when ready for shipment:

Packaging your freight properly

It’s up to the shipper to package their freight properly if damaged during shipment was due to impr